Bugs Happen — Why I Chose User Mode for SysTrack’s Agent Design 

Bugs Happen — Why I Chose User Mode for SysTrack’s Agent Design 

By Mike Schumacher, Lakeside Founder Last week when I woke up to the fast-spreading news that an IT outage indicated by the dreaded Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) was unfolding, I had two responses at once. 1: Oh, that’s not good. And 2: I sure am glad the enterprise digital endpoint monitoring product I designed (Lakeside SysTrack)…

Business Continuity Planning – We’re Here for You

Last week, our partner Microsoft stepped up by offering free Microsoft Teams to help organizations moving to remote work in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus). As a global company making our own plans to minimize business disruptions and protect employee health and safety, this got us thinking about what we could do to help our customers…