Upgrading Windows 10: Transformation Success with SysTrack
The benefits of upgrading to Windows 10 are significant and compelling but will only be achieved if performance issues that already exist are properly identified and addressed; just upgrading won’t fix them. Even though it is easier to do an upgrade with Windows 10 compared to previous versions of Windows, completing a successful Windows 10 transformation should include a focus on truly improving the end user’s experience while reducing ongoing support costs. Additionally, there should be a focus on increasing productivity, which in turn should help to ultimately improve the bottom line. But these objectives cannot be realized without having actionable intelligence upfront to identify performance issues where they are originating so the upgraded user experience is not impacted by legacy issues that could be carried forward to Windows 10.
In this white paper, we cover some of the ways that Windows 10 differs as an OS and how to respond from an IT perspective to ensure optimal end user experience.