Redefining How to Measure IT Success

The Quantified User: Redefining How to Measure IT Success

In 1989, the blockbuster hit Back to the Future took the world by a storm with wild technology predictions. Now, we know the film might have missed the mark on flying cars and power clothes, but many of its predictions were more accurate than expected. Case in point: wearables. From virtual reality headsets to fitness…

summary dashboard
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How Can I Use Microsoft Data to Optimize My Office 365 Environment?

For IT administrators, gathering data about user experience and application utilization can be a daunting task. There are many sources of user related data available; however, I will focus down on the data concerning a hypothetical organization’s Office 365 subscription and how SysTrack can help both show and give context to this data. The IT…

office 365

How Can I Use Microsoft Data to Optimize My Office 365 Environment?

For IT administrators, gathering data about user experience and application utilization can be a daunting task. There are many sources of user related data available; however, I will focus down on the data concerning a hypothetical organization’s Office 365 subscription and how SysTrack can help both show and give context to this data. The IT…

Using SysTrack to Resolve User Issues with SaaS
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Using SysTrack to Resolve User Issues with SaaS

Cloud services have fundamentally shifted the landscape for the average consumer of IT resources, and too often this leaves the support organization stuck as the discoverer of the root cause of issues that span the endpoint, the network, and the supporting service providers. Our own organization is in a similar situation, having adopted Office 365…


2017 Commuter Challenge Win

For the past several years, our Ann Arbor office has enthusiastically participated in a Commuter Challenge, where employees of downtown businesses compete for prizes by logging alternative commutes throughout the month of May. In previous competitions, we were neck-and-neck for first place with other medium-sized organizations, but this year we’re happy to announce that we’ve…

GPUs for Windows 10
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What You Need to Know About GPUs for Windows 10

Dedicated GPUs aren’t just for gamers and designers anymore. The modern workspace is experiencing increasingly vivid and interactive software that is challenging entrenched beliefs about the nature of corporate work. Back in the day, IT supplied users with hardware and software that far exceeded anything employees interacted with in their off-time. The field has changed,…

blog office365
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How does Office 365 perform across Windows operating systems?

Modern users have the choice between a variety of Windows OS and Office versions. In relation to this mix, a common question we have come across in the past is “How does Windows 10 performance compare with Windows 7?” While we have addressed the situation in the past, it remains a popular question to this…